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How Your Spiritual Life Affects Your Marriage

Your spiritual life is an important part of your overall well-being. It affects every area of your life, including your marriage. When you are spiritually aligned, you and your spouse will enjoy a deeper connection with each other. You will be able to understand each other more easily and support each other through the ups and downs of life.

As humans, we are designed to be spiritual beings. We all have a desire to connect with something greater than ourselves. When we are connected to our spirituality, we feel more grounded, centered, and whole. We may even say that we feel "at home" in our spirituality. This sense of connection can be very comforting and healing, especially during times of difficulty.

When we are disconnected from our spirituality, we can feel lost, alone, and confused. We may even feel like something is missing in our lives. This sense of disconnection can lead to problems in our marriages. When we are not spiritually aligned with our spouse, it can be difficult to understand each other and to support each other.

It is important to remember that your spiritual life is just as important as your physical and emotional health. Just like you would not neglect your physical health, you should also not neglect your spiritual health. Your spirituality is a vital part of who you are and it should be nurtured and cared for.

If you are not sure how to connect with your spiritual side, these simple practices can help you get started on the right path:

  • Praying or meditating

  • Attending religious services

  • Spending time in nature

  • Connecting with like-minded people

  • Practicing yoga or another form of exercise

  • Reading spiritual texts

  • Journaling and other creative outlets

  • Do volunteer work with a charity or nonprofit

You can also seek out a spiritual counselor or therapist who can help you connect with your spirituality. If you are struggling in your marriage, consider whether there is a disconnect between you and your spouse on a spiritual level. If so, consider seeking out counseling or therapy to help you reconnect.

Don’t discount doing volunteer work as a spiritual practice, either. In fact, volunteering with a nonprofit to help others is an amazing way to get outside of yourself and connect with others and with yourself.

Beyond that, there are plenty of resources out there to help you get in touch with your spiritual side. Some of our favorites include:

It's important to remember, though, that spiritual growth doesn't happen only in a vacuum. It also occurs in community and through authentic, real connection with other people. One of the best avenues for this type of spiritual growth is through intentional discussion groups designed to facilitate honest conversation (check out Paul Newton's essay talking about what these groups have done for him).

If you're interested in starting a group (or simply learning more about them), click here to learn more.