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Why Join a Men’s Group

We recently started hosting The Weekly Huddle—a virtual men’s discussion group that happens every Saturday morning at 9am eastern. We created it to be a space for men to come together and support one another spiritually and emotionally and where men can grow, learn, and share experiences with one another.

We’ve always known how important men’s discussion groups can be (in fact, it’s how we got our start), but in our first few sessions, we’ve gotten even clearer on exactly why they’re so transformative.

They Create a Space for Accountability & Transparency

When you have other people around you who understand your struggles and are willing to help you through them, it makes it much easier to stay accountable for your actions and be honest with yourself. When you can talk openly about your challenges without fear or judgment, you can discuss topics that you might be carrying a lot of shame or discomfort around.

They Offer Fellowship & Support 

Not only is this an opportunity for you to bond with other members, but it also gives you an outlet for sharing your experiences with others who may be going through similar struggles. This type of support system is invaluable during times of difficulty when you need someone else to lean on for encouragement or advice, and it creates the possibility for someone else to say, “yeah, I’ve gone through that before—here’s how I navigated it.”

You Can Build Lasting Relationships

Another great thing about being part of a men’s group is that you get to build relationships that last beyond just meeting once per week. When you spend time together as part of a larger community, you start forming connections that extend outside the context of the group. This gives you an opportunity to form meaningful friendships with people you may not have otherwise met had they not been part of this particular group setting—this is especially true for virtual groups, where you’re exposed to an even more diverse group of people.

If accountability, support, and long-lasting relationships with other men would create value in your life, make sure to check out The Weekly Huddle and join us one Saturday morning.

Jerry Hancock